Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positively Cleveland announces hastily made video winners

Positively Cleveland has chosen the winners of the Hastily Made Video contest, its response to Mike Polk's ridiculously viral Cleveland-mocking YouTube clips.

The two videos, picked by Polk himself and four other judges, didn't try to fight humor with humor. They're low-fi, cinema-verite sweeps through the best parts of the city set to poignant music. (one uses "Cleveland" by Jewel, the other an original song).

I like how the first video starts with an appearance by Vinyl, the black cat at Music Saves in Collinwood.

The winners are Marissa DeSantis & Kevin Hornsby, who are both local singer-songwriters (different Kevin than the co-owner of Music Saves), and "OHMommy," aka Pauline K. of the Classy Chaos blog, who seems to have cast herself and her three kids in the video as well as her blog. They get pretty cool prize packages.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, quelle drag. I didn't hold much hope for the response to be very good, but two of finalist did more than city-tour-to-music that you get from any standard, uncreative visitors bureaus.

    It's like Polk spoofed the results of this contest, not inspired it.
