Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Not if you ask C.L.E. Clothing Co., the local T-shirt company that we wrote about in our April issue.
Shortly after forming, another eerily similar T-shirt company called Cleveland Clothing Co. popped on the scene with an eerily similar logo featuring the Cleveland skyline and an eerily similar Web site.
C.L.E. Clothing Co. has been doing its best to let fans know there's a difference but its been hard when Cleveland Clothing Co. is producing laugh-out-loud T-shirts like the one above (which is on sale now for $10).
Since we believe in equal opportunity endorsements, we are also loving the latest design by C.L.E. Clothing Co. (below for $25) featuring a slathering of Cleveland favorites from the Leg Lamp to the Agora. We're still searching for the Cleveland Magazine logo ...

Don't forget about Collision Bend Clothing; they have those funny "Suburb Shirts" for all the Cleveland suburbs. www.collisionbendclothing.wordpress.com
Not a huge fan of either, the designs are okay but they don't offer quite the selection that Collision does. I do like the Notorious C.L.E. shirt though.
It seems antithetical to promoting cleveland pride by creating a shirt that mocks the city's crime rate. Definitely not a fan. And now that you point out they are impostors to the original creative minds, I am left with an even more sour taste for that company. Boo to them. -Steph
i'm glad you cleared this up.
hey there I'm the founder over at Collision Bend Clothing. While I think it's great that C.L.E. is promoting pride in Cleveland, i have to agree with Steph, i'm not a fan of making fun of the crime rate-we're trying to move past our past and look positively at our future. I do hope you'll check out our company too though, we love Cleveland just as much as the next guy, maybe too much :)
wow - just checked out both of these sites... the similarities ARE a little creepy. Seems like CLE clothing set out to promote pride and Cleveland love, these other new companies are just trying to capitalize off CLE clothing's inital hard work... and making a mockery of it at the same time by confusing customers. Why can't people just be ORIGINAL? Is that too difficult a concept for people to grasp?
I have to agree with some of the previous posters. I like to idea of a Cleveland Co with a POSITIVE message about our city, rather than ones making fun of it. C.L.E. Clothing is where it's at. Thanks for shedding a positive light on Cleveland, C.L.E.!! :o)
jajajaja, what a funny motto have the first shirt, however is a little bit discrediting for the amusement park like The Flags.
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I prefer ASM clothing (or Altered State of Mind; ASM) is a clothing company located in Cleveland, Ohio. ASMclothing was established in September 2005 by James Hagedorn, Chris Arpajian, Kris Wernet and Rob Thompson.
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